“Modernizing” the NEPA Process or Returning to the Stone Age? Integrating New Definitions for Key Language in the NEPA–Section 106 Process November 19, 2020 | 3:00 – 4:30 PM (EST) | Register Now |
ACRA and the National Association for Environmental Professionals (NAEP) have joined forces again to present another joint webinar on Thursday, November 19 at 3:00 pm EST.
“Modernizing” the NEPA Process or Returning to the Stone Age? Integrating New Definitions for Key Language in the NEPA–Section 106 Process brings together cultural heritage and NEPA practitioners and attorneys to unpack the new NEPA definitions of Direct and Indirect Impacts, and Effects and discuss how these changes affect cultural resources review under Section 106 and NEPA.
The panelists, Matthew Adams, Michael D. Smith Ph.D., and Heather Miller, Ph.D., along with moderator Marion Werkheiser, will highlight the recent James River transmission line court ruling (National Parks Conservation Association et al vs. Semonite) as a backdrop for the discussion. The panelists ask, “how would the James River court ruling be different under the new definitions?” The panelists will recap the court case, look at the new vs. old language and how it might have affected the ruling and its impact on future cases. They briefly present the history of the NEPA–106 process, assess traditional understandings of NHPA, and discuss how the new definition of effects will change consideration of cultural resources.
The registration price is $140, and as a part of our partnership, ACRA members are eligible to attend for the NAEP member price: $75 (members can get the code here). Reserve your spot now!