Join the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in honoring outstanding historic preservation efforts combined with affordable housing and community revitalization successes. The ACHP/HUD Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation was created to encourage agencies, developers, and organizations to nominate projects or activities that advance the goals of historic preservation while providing affordable housing and/or expanded economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income families and individuals.

Projects or activities must have been completed or have made substantial achievements within the last three years and have done the following:

  • Promoted the use of historic buildings for affordable housing, community development, and/or expanded economic opportunities
  • Included HUD funds or financing
  • Met preservation guidelines
  • Contributed to local community revitalization efforts

Nominations for the 2021 cycle are due by 11:59 p.m. PST on April 16, 2021.

Nomination details can be viewed at HUD’s joint award website. Questions may be addressed to