The slate of ACRA’s 2021 continuing education opportunities specifically tailored to CRM professionals is now available!

This year’s webinar schedule has been carefully crafted with ACRA members in mind. Some sessions focus specifically on meeting the federal requirements on which our industry is based, such as Section 110(k) and Section 106: Responding to Anticipatory Demolition Concerns on June 10.

Others are meant to help your firm run more efficiently (i.e. A Digital Marketing Primer on April 8) or address long-standing issues in the CRM industry (such as Reframing Public Outreach: Addressing Historically Underrepresented Communities in CRM on July 22).

Check out our full slate of sessions for 2021 below, and remember that ACRA members always receive a reduced rate. All member firms also enjoy the firm-wide registration benefit – once one firm employee pays for a spot, all other employees can attend for no additional cost.

Space is limited, so make sure to reserve your spot in your preferred sessions today!

April 8            A Digital Marketing Primer 
May 13           Radiocarbon Dating Basics 
June 10          Section 110(k) and Section 106: Responding to Anticipatory Demolition Concerns 
July 22           Reframing Public Outreach: Addressing Historically Underrepresented Communities in CRM 
August 12      Technical Editing for CRM
October 14     Storytelling in CRM: Moving Beyond Producing Gray Literature 
December 9    Documentation and e106