The next webinar in our 2021 series is Radiocarbon Dating Basics on May 13 at 2:00 pm EDT. Even if you think you know every there is to know about radiocarbon dating, you and other firm employees will benefit from this session that includes the latest information from Beta Analytic!
This presentation will give an introduction to radiocarbon dating with a focus on what radiocarbon dating is and how it can be used. Topics covered include:
- Discussion on radiocarbon production in the atmosphere and integration into biological matter, carbon-14 variability in the recent past due to anthropogenic influences and the deep past due to solar cycles
- Variability in dating uncertainty due to wiggles within the radiocarbon curve
- Types of organisms and artefacts that can be dated using radiocarbon
- How radiocarbon is measured using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and how that data can be used
- Recommendations on how to best select and prepare samples for radiocarbon dating
Registrants for Radiocarbon Dating Basics will also enjoy a $30 discount from our normal webinar rates. As always, ACRA members enjoy the firm-wide registration benefit – once one person pays for a registration for the live session, all other employees can attend for no additional cost.
Sign up NOW to reserve your spot!