The following post was submitted by Daron Duke, ACRA Board of Directors At-Large member and ACRA representative to CfAS.
There is still time to apply! But the deadline— July 23rd — is approaching.
The Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis (CfAS) is seeking participants for a new initiative that was recently recommended for funding by the US National Science Foundation. The project is entitled The Creation and Division of Wealth and the Long-term Consequences of Inequality: Views from Archaeology and is led by Tim Kohler (Washington State University) and Amy Bogaard (University of Oxford). It will advance understandings of relationships between inequality and other dimensions of human social dynamics as they are revealed by the archaeological record. The project will be pursued by a working group of 10 researchers who have expertise in the study of social inequality and who have and are willing to share data and expertise pertinent to the topic. Researchers regardless of nationality are eligible; CfAS is committed to diversity and professional development and strongly encourages participation by junior and historically underrepresented researchers, heritage management professionals as well as academics, and by individuals from developing countries and indigenous communities.
If you are interested in participating, please see the Request for Information (It can also be found on the CfAS website). The due date for responses is July 23, 2021.
ACRA also encourages you to sign up as an individual CfAS Associate. It is quick and easy to sign up, and it is free. That way you will receive information directly from CfAS as soon as it is released.