On behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), CRM practitioners have been invited to support the 3D Nation Elevation Requirements and Benefits Study. The goal of the 3D Nation Study is to develop program recommendations for how to more effectively meet user needs for topography and bathymetry data in the United States and its territories. These recommendations will support stakeholder-driven initiatives of both the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) and the Interagency Working Group on Ocean and Coastal Mapping (IWG-OCM). To build a baseline, study administrators are collecting a comprehensive set of requirements for elevation data, and the benefits associated with meeting these requirements.
The survey administrators want to make sure that it includes broad input from private industry and non-governmental users of elevation data. They are particularly concerned about ocean and coastal representation, to make sure that the study is well balanced between land and sea.
For this study they are looking for a national level perspective on your organization’s activities that have 3D elevation data requirements and benefits.
Organizations can share their data needs via this short form. Stakeholders can ‘adopt’ requirements easily and share a brief amount of information on their business use needs for topo and bathy elevation data.
To input your information, use the shortcut to jump to the Business Use that most closely matches that of your organization. Indicate which data you need to perform your activities (choose all that apply: inland topo, inland bathy, nearshore bathy and/or offshore bathy). Describe your area of interest (e.g. nationwide, list one or more states, etc.) and if your AOI is offshore, please tell us how far offshore you need data (e.g. state waters, federal waters, to the EEZ, etc.). You may modify any of the listed average Quality Levels and Update Frequencies. And if possible, please provide any quantifiable benefits your organization would see if your elevation data requirements were met. Please quantify your benefits as annual hours or dollars saved or realized.
Questions and responses can be sent to Sue Hoegberg.