There are only 10 days left before prices go up on registration for the 2021 ACRA conference!
The early bird registration prices will end after August 15. After that date, prices will go up by $50 for each category.
This year’s conference theme — A Watershed Year: Navigating Change in the CRM Industry — focuses on how the past few years have brought historic changes to not just ACRA, but to the CRM industry overall and the nation at large. From navigating new ways of conducting business in the face of COVID-19 to addressing long-standing diversity issues in the industry, now is the time for CRM firms to come together to bring lasting positive change.
Don’t miss out on the premier CRM event of the year – register NOW to make sure you get the best rate!
We know that many of you have questions regarding the health & safety protocols at the ACRA conference, especially with the emergence of the delta variant. Please know that the safety and comfort of our attendees is our first and most important priority, and we will be issuing a detailed health & safety plan next week (so stay tuned!).